The funding database will give you an overview of funding programmes run by the government, the state and to an extent also by the European Union. However, using the funding database can only ever be the initial step. You should make use of the variety of advice offered by the institutions responsible for the funding programmes. In that way, many questions about tax or legal issues will be cleared up before you get to the point of accessing public aid to implement your scheme.
Mr Oliver Reinhardt
Telephone: +49 3733 831-1007
Mr Jan Kammerl
Telephone: +49 3733 145-110
Regionalbüro SAB Sächsische Aufbaubank (Regional Office)
Adam-Ries-Straße 16
09456 Annaberg-Buchholz
Telephone: +49 3733 145-300
Fax: +49 3733 145-302
BAFA (Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle) (german)
BBS (Bürgschaftsbank Sachsen) (german)
ESF (Europäischer Sozialfonds) (german)
FÖMISAX Fördermitteldatenbank Sachsen (german)
Förderdatenbank Bund (german)
Förderdatenbank SAB (Sächsische Aufbaubank) (german)
Grüne Förderung (german)
Investitionszulage (german)
KfW (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau) (german)
Förderübersicht Energie [Download german, *.pdf]
ILE Leader Regionalmanagements [Download german, *.pdf]