Landratsamt Erzgebirgskreis (Erzgebirge district administration office)
The Erzgebirgskreis administrative district is a public body. It is represented by the Landrat (District Administrator), Rico Anton.
Landratsamt Erzgebirgskreis
Paulus-Jenisius-Straße 24
09456 Annaberg-Buchholz
Telephone: +49 3733 831-0
Fax: +49 3733 22164
EU Services Directive - access to electronically encrypted emails
The Erzgebirgskreis administrative region provides access to electronically signed and encrypted messages, currently limited to administrative procedures relevant to the EU directive. Transmission of such messages is subject to the following conditions:
Transmission or receipt of electronically signed and/or encrypted messages will take place only via the secure mail gateway mailboxes at:
You can request access data and a mailbox at:
Access is provided for the secure mail gateway mailbox address:
The following file formats are supported as standard: .doc; .txt; .pdf; .rtf etc
Emails cannot exceed a total file size of 10MB.
Transmission of eligible signed documents is permissible in accordance with standard PKCS#7.
If an email cannot be processed, the recipient will inform you.
Landrat Rico Anton
Landratsamt Erzgebirgskreis
Paulus-Jenisius-Straße 24
09456 Annaberg-Buchholz
Telephone: +49 3733 831-0
Fax: +49 3733 22164
Landratsamt Erzgebirgskreis
Referat Liegenschaften und Zentrale Dienste
Sachgebiet Informationstechnik
Paulus-Jenisius-Straße 24
09456 Annaberg-Buchholz
Telephone: +49 3771 277-1826
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