District capital | Annaberg-Buchholz |
Cities / Towns | 27 |
Communities | 33 |
Inhabitants | 333.595 (as at 30/06/2020) |
Population density | 182 (Inhabitants per km²) |
Total area | 1,828 km² |
Area | 10%, as proportion of Saxony |
Highest point | Fichtelberg, 1,215 m above sea level |
Longest north-south dimension | approx. 46 km |
Longest east-west dimension | approx. 74 km |
Vehicle registration code | ERZ |
source: Statistisches Landesamt Sachen
Since 2009, the Erzgebirge district has been working with the corporate design of the district administration office or Landratsamt. A logo, or corporate identity, gives a consistent look and feel to its public image.
the green arch both forms a tunnel entrance over the district and offers a clear view ahead; far from awaiting the future in the dark of the shaft, the observer is looking at an angle towards a future that is accessible and ready to be shaped
it draws equally on our mining heritage in the form of the tunnel entrance, on the curved Schwibbögen (decorative arched candle holders) for which the Erzgebirge region is known, and on the curved landscape of our coat of arms; it thereby connects regions and states
the colour green here represents the traditional mountain landscape, the colour of Saxony, and hope (for the future)
the arch spans the centuries, it is based in custom and tradition yet points ahead to a modern, forward-looking region in Saxony
this is also expressed in the accompanying slogan, "Mein Zuhause - Meine Zukunft" ("my home - my future"; home = homeland, tradition, values, custom; future = development, location, economy, etc)
the arch stands on a firm foundation, and is supported by four braces, shown in perspective, which symbolise the four former districts of Annaberg, Aue-Schwarzenberg, Mittlerer Erzgebirgskreis, and Stollberg; the stanchions are strong and compact, they carry the arch, giving it stability and endurance
in terms of colour, the logo combines grey (for silver ore, referencing the "Ore Mountains") and green (for the landscape and Saxony)
the slogan is arranged beneath the logo and stands out clearly in black font